1 Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 17, 2014 9:56:50am

In other news the sky is blue and winter is cold.

2 Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 17, 2014 9:57:41am

Also I think Obama hit the nail on the head when he compared our relationship with Cuba to that of China (another major communist nation).

3 No Country For Old Haters  Dec 17, 2014 10:06:58am

Wingnuts only know how to hate. No one should care what they believe and spew, except for diagnostic purposes when getting them some professional help.

4 nines09  Dec 17, 2014 10:08:27am

By the standards #TCOT holds near and dear we should still be enemies with about half the world.

5 No Country For Old Haters  Dec 17, 2014 11:35:03am

re: #4 nines09

By the standards #TCOT holds near and dear we should still be enemies with about half the world.

Makes sense, since the #TCOT far-right-wing crazies are enemies of civilization.

6 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Dec 17, 2014 11:43:48am

re: #2 Eclectic Cyborg

Also I think Obama hit the nail on the head when he compared our relationship with Cuba to that of China (another major communist nation).

That’s completely different because shutup.//

7 Rocky-in-Connecticut  Dec 17, 2014 2:20:53pm

I think this news is very telling that the US considers Fidel to no longer have control of the country and it is pretty much all on his brother now. This makes the transition far easier rather than dealing with a truly mental crank like Fidel. Raul has shown a far more moderate public image and signs of moderate policy as well.

8 nines09  Dec 17, 2014 4:31:43pm

re: #3 No Country For Old Haters

Wingnuts only know how to hate. No one should care what they believe and spew, except for diagnostic purposes when getting them some professional help.

I was wondering. What does TCOT stand for? Turds Calling Out to Turds? /
I’m still amazed at the stupidity that falls from their lips to the keyboard. How do they type with all that shit all over the place?

9 EPR-radar  Dec 17, 2014 5:15:27pm

re: #8 nines09

I was wondering. What does TCOT stand for? Turds Calling Out to Turds? /
I’m still amazed at the stupidity that falls from their lips to the keyboard. How do they type with all that shit all over the place?

True Conservatives on Twitter. Turds Calling Out to Turds is effectively a synonym.

10 PeterWolf  Dec 18, 2014 8:40:13am

Got to laugh when the image used for Fox’s major headline on the website, used am image which showed the poor spelling.
Image: 212Cuba_20141218_101736.jpg

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